Clark County - Mary A. Denk
Mary was elected as Clark County Register of Deeds in November 2020 and took office in January 2021. Prior to her election, she has worked in the Register of Deeds office for 5 years and in the title insurance industry for 7 years. She is very familiar with real estate records, vital records, and makes customer service a priority. Mary is married to David with two amazing daughters. When not working, she enjoys spending time with family and friends and watching Badger and Packer games.
Office Address
517 Court St., PO Box 384
Neillsville WI 54456-03844
Office hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Telephone: 715-743-5163
Quick Links
About the Register of Deeds Office
Real estate recording information for Clark County properties is available for online access by the public via Clark County’s land records portal, Tapestry. Tapestry is easily accessed by the link found on the Clark County Register of Deeds website. Digital images of recorded documents are currently available for online viewing from 1855 to present. Clark County’s tract index books are also available for online viewing by clicking on the link “Color Tract Index” on the ROD county website or by utilizing the link found on the Log In page in Tapestry. In addition to the Registrar, the office has two full time employees who provide excellent customer service to the public on a daily basis.