What is a Notification of Recording
What is a Notification of Recording
Property Fraud Alert / Land Notification is a free service that works to alert property owners against the possibilities of fraudulent activity being committed against their property.
When will I be notified about potential fraudulent activity against my property?
Once you sign up for the Fraud Alert / Land Notification system, you will be notified any time there is recording activity associated with your name, in that county. Of course if you have a common name (example Joe Jones) you may be notified more frequently than if you have a more unique name (example Alice Zebor). Consequently, for a common name you may receive a "false positive" notification from time to time.
How will I be notified about potential fraudulent activity against my property?
If a document is recorded with a Wisconsin Register of Deeds Office which is associated with your name, then you will be automatically notified via email, provided you have signed up in the county where the document is recorded. Notification is given promptly, allowing you the opportunity to possibly save yourself time and avoid paying large legal fees if the document recorded is determined to be fraudulent.
What should I do if I'm notified about a recording and I think it's fraudulent?
If you suspect that you are a victim of fraud, please seek legal advice and/or contact local law enforcement