Waushara County - Heather Schwersenska
Heather was elected to the office of Waushara County Register of Deeds since 2013.
Office Address
380 S. Townline Rd., Room A1064
Wautoma, WI 54984
Office hours: Mon 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: 920-787-0444
Quick Links
About the Register of Deeds Office
The Waushara County Register of Deeds has two full time staff in addition to herself. The Register of Deeds implemented a computerized tract index in 1993, and an imaging system in 1996. Microfiche images of real estate recordings have been back-scanned to provide efficient access. New vital records are also scanned. The confidential version of death records are scanned to assist staff in preparing the full version of the death certificates for family members of the deceased. The register of Deeds also handles the property listing function for Waushara County and efforts are being made to get the tax assessment information and document indexing and images available on the county website.